No one said it would be easy….

The struggle is real for a start up business but I’m not going to go into the details. I want to talk about what keeps me going.

When I need that extra “oomph” to continue to take actions to bring my dream to life, I contemplate my current situation and why I’m making the change. I not only reflect on how unhappy I am in corporate america I reflect on the steps I’m taking to fix it. I visualize my destination of Brick City Pets and I feel it. It may not be a straight path but the goal is clear. When all the hurdles and roadblocks pile up on me I think about my two options:

1) do nothing, accept my current status

2) keep it moving, push through, make it happen

I can’t imagine choosing option 1. It gives me shivers to even think about living the rest of my life or at minimum the rest of my working career doing something that I no longer enjoy.

So really ,, I only have one option. Brick City Pets here I come!!!!

"Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Sophie and her smelly breath


Did you know…